The New School’s Institute for Retired Professionals has had an august history since its founding in 1962 as our nation’s first peer learning institution. One venerable component of this tradition has been the publication of VOICES, celebrating the original writings of program participants.
VOICES has moved forward into the digital age with the new IRP VOICES ONLINE. This shift will allow us to accomplish many goals. We will publish more works in each issue, will come out twice a year rather than annually, and will keep all digital publications on-line. Photography will be included in our spring edition. Eventually other media may also be included, including painting, sculpture, and video
You will be able to access IRP VOICES ONLINE from anywhere in the world: via our own URL irpvoicesonline.com; on the New School University’s IRP site; and on the IRP’s internal site, irpzine.org.
We received unwavering support in this project from IRP Advisory Board vice-chairman Miriam Lawrence, and from the IRP Director, Michael Markowitz. My heartfelt gratitude goes to our staff, who made all this happen: Associate Publisher Ron Russo, Associate Editor Charles Troob, editors Sarah White, Eileen Brener and Lorna Porter, and a dedicated group of readers. Our highly professional web designer, Wei Tchou, has given us both this issue and a template for further development.
And finally: the IRP is a community engaged in a rich, diverse learning experience. Along the way we develop friendships extending well beyond the classroom. In recent months we lost two beloved members, John Kracji and Victor Hughes, both great writers. We dedicate this inaugural issue to them.
Tom Ashley, Publisher