Fall 2019

Fall 2019 Table of Contents


Letter from the Publishers

TributeHarriet Sohmers Zwerling 1928-2019


Tom Ashley, Where Is It Now?
Tom Ashley, 8.28.63
Leslie Bedford, It’s Only Stuff
Lisa Cristal, Shaggy Dog
Pat Fortunato, Oh! You’re Supposed to Leave Coins!
Pat Fortunato, Who Was That Countess in Harry’s Bar?
Sonya Friedman, Entering Opera
Sonya Friedman, Rossellini and Masaccio
Carol Grant, First Flight
Dick Kossoff, Miss Murphy and Jackie Robinson
Phyllis Kriegel, Martinis on Christopher Street
Phyllis Kriegel, Tillie the Toiler Redux
Sharon Lewin, Uber, Juno and Me
Carmen Mason, Loti
Judith Meyerowitz, Gulliver’s Travels:  An Urban Fable
Judith Meyerowitz, Theodora
Mary Padilla, A Metaphysics of Parking in Downtown Manhattan
Mireya Perez, Morrocotas
Eric Roper, The Black Truck
Ira Rubin, A Matched Pair
Claude Samton, Fear of Falling
Claude Samton, Qutie on the Q
Joy Schulman, Dying and Remembering
Lorne Taichman, 90thand Broadway
Charles Troob, I Remember
Charles Troob, Ah, Youth: Three Memoirs


Tom Ashley, Learning My A, B, Cs
Tom Ashley, Southern Fried College Football
Mark Fischweicher, On the Bus
Carmen Mason, First Snow
Carmen Mason, Lattice
Carmen Mason, Request to a Glass-Winged Butterfly
Mary Padilla, Experienced Brain Technicians
Mary Padilla, On Understanding
Mary Padilla, Poetry is…
Mireya Perez, Ancahuita
Mireya Perez, The Year the Government Changed
Carol Schoen, Angel headed hipster
Carol Schoen, Cemetery
Carol Schoen, Hare Krishna
Carol Schoen, Message
Howard Seeman, Giving is Getting
Charles Troob, Breakfast


The photos submitted to Voices are on display at this site.
Double-click on an image to view it full-screen and then use the arrows to move through the images.
The photos are in alphabetical order by first name of photographer.
The list of photographers is below.

Tom Ashley
John Becker
Harold Berkowitz
Carol Borelli
Barry Cooper
Joan Ehrlich
Rica Fujihira
Jonathan Gaines
Jim Gould
Carol Grant
Thomas Grant
Susan Herman
Richard Herrmann
Peter Houts
Marshall Marcovitz
Susan Rauch]
Robin Sacknoff
David Sarlin
Michael Shapiro
Robert Sholiton
Bruce Smith
Charles Troob
Susanne Yellin
Iris Zevin