Fall 2014

Fall 2014 Table of Contents


Letter from Director

Letter from Publisher


Tom Ashley, Will We Ever Know?

Bob Ashton, A Day at Sea

James Avitabile, Locust Valley Lockjaw

James Avitabile, Twisted Sister

Ivy Berchuck, Confronting Miss Fox

Eileen Brener, Wing-Walking

Moya Duffy, Revenge is a Dish Best Served in China

James Gould, The Watchmaker and the Soccer Player

Alix Kane, The Mass Murderer

Charles Troob, Schnorrer

Walter Weglein, Arthur J. Kolatch

Elaine Greene Weisburg, A Carload of Innocents


Tom Ashley, Motown

Tom Ashley, I’m Mad

Eileen Brener, In a Churchyard

Eileen Brener, An Etymologist Muses

Eileen Brener, Memory

Mireya Perez de Bustillo, Teresa Ahumada Cepeda de Avila

Mark Fischweicher, 杜甫 in Bryce Canyon

Mark Fischweicher, End Zone

Mark Fischweicher, Buddha’s Delite/ A Sonnet about a Jig Saw Puzzle

James Gould, Chamber Music – Alice Tully Hall

Phyllis Kriegel, What Hath God Rothed

Marian Lamin, The Drowning House (for Jenny)

Carmen Mason, Thoughts Upon Three Familiar Phrases: One

Carmen Mason, Thoughts Upon Three Familiar Phrases: Two

Carmen Mason, Thoughts Upon Three Familiar Phrases: Three

Carol Schoen, Big City Blues

Carol Schoen, Rhythm

Carol Schoen, Workday New York

Carol Schoen, Tanglewood

Mary R. Smith, Clearing the Waters

Mary R. Smith, Access Something Buried

Mary R. Smith, Threading the Night

Charles Troob, Whatever

Charles Troob, Heirloom

Charles Troob, Self-portrait

Elaine Weisburg, Archivist Needed

Elaine Weisburg. How to Amaze Your Dentist

Harriet Sohmers Zwerling,  The Neverweres



All Photographs

by Photographer

Jan Adler

Janna Amelkin

Tom Ashley

Steve August

Carol Borelli

Celeste Cheyney

Diane Crothers

Joan Ehrlich

Jonathan Gaines

Victor Goldin

James Gould

Carol Grant

Peter Houts

Alix Kane

Larry Kopel

Marshall Marcovitz

Michael Marsh

Carmen Mason

Frank Montaturo

Susan Rauch

Ron Russo

Robin Sacknoff

Claude Samton

Roy Sanders

Arlette Sanders

David Sarlin

Lew Schwartz

Michael Shapiro

Robert Sholiton

Charles Troob

Jerry Vogel

Elaine Greene Weisburg

Iris Zevin