Letter from the Publisher
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to present our third issue of IRP VOICES ONLINE.
Our new format has presented challenges as well as opportunities. Challenges? For sure. In converting to a digital format we’ve encountered technical issues–not surprisingly.
We’ve also had the uphill battle of getting the student body to embrace the change to an online publication. The world is going online, no matter how much you or I or anyone else out there might prefer otherwise. So please, please take a moment to reflect on how we’ve benefited by going digital. We’ve been able to increase the number of pieces printed: prose, poetry and memoir. We’ve added the very popular category of photography. We’re able to archive all past work and put it at your fingertips. We can be accessed from any part of the world by simply keying in
Thanks again for all the support I’ve received from Lynne Schmelter-Davis, photography editors Robin Sacknoff and Marshall Marcovitz, poetry editors Sarah White and Mark Fischweicher, prose editors Elaine Weisburg and Eileen Brener and our judges and readers. Throughout all of this Charles Troob has been my partner every step of the journey. I don’t have enough thank-yous for his contributions.
Most of all, VOICES thanks you, fellow students, for contributing your creative efforts to our publication. The IRP has had a long tradition of outstanding creativity. We’re grateful to be able to put some of it on display.

And finally…We all know the IRP is a special place. One of the most spectacular gifts we receive as members is the opportunity to attend some of the world’s greatest performances of music, dance and theater held in universally famed venues. Over the years thousands of tickets have been given to us by the tireless lady in the beret, Evelyn Montague.
Evelyn, thank you. This edition of VOICES is dedicated to you.
Fellow classmates, have a great reading and viewing experience.
You’re one click away: www.irpvoicesonline.com.
Tom Ashley