Letter from the Publisher
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to present our fourth issue of IRP Voices Online, which can be accessed from any part of the world simply by keying in www.irpvoicesonline.com
This issue would not have been possible without the leadership of Tom Ashley. Tom has been the soul of Voices Online since its inception—our organizer, our booster, our idea man. He led the planning for the 2014 issue. Right now Tom is on leave, exploring some fascinating opportunities. Fortunately for us, his multiple gifts are well represented here.
Letter from Publisher
I would like to welcome a new group of editors: Carmen Mason and Mary Smith (prose), Mark Fischweicher (poetry), and Peter Houts (photography)—Peter has joined Marshall Marcovitz, who continues his fine work. The editors have jumped in with great enthusiasm, and have assembled fine teams of readers and judges. Susan Rauch has also joined the Voices Online team to help with the many tasks involved in moving documents and photos to the Web.
There is so much talent in the IRP! You, fellow students, are the reason for our publication. Your work is unusual, accomplished, and exciting. Thank you for contributing to VOICES and making it such a distinctive and impressive publication.
Fellow classmates, have a great reading and viewing experience.
Charles Troob,