by Carmen Mason
Freely flowingxx ahxx her dark hair glowing
soft birds huddled upon a safe high ground
the candelabras glistened as she made
her way past gargoyles squatting all around.
Her lover served the red wine carefully ~
its color like the blood of love they shared
mushrooms and salmon poached on bubblingly
finger potatoes looked like piglets bared.
They laughed told stories batted round bon mots
until their talk led to its common theme:
coincidence and chance they’d shared a lot
(they probably met first inside a dream).
Why do some pause, then pass right out of mind
while others flyxx collide xxthen soar entwined?
Carmen Mason has written poetry and prose since she was six. She first got published in P.S. 106‘s Children’s Press. She has kept going, winning a few prizes along the way, but mainly just enjoying sharing and, while waiting for her muse to (hopefully) visit her again, telling her friends jokes by Steven Wright.