Masthead 2024

Charles Troob, Publisher
Lorne Taichman, Associate Publisher

Prose Editors: Andy Shapiro and Susan Smahl
Prose Readers:
Jill Eldredge Gabriele
Arlyne LeSchack
Carmen Mason
Ira Rubin

Poetry Editors:
 Bill Aarnes and Carmen Mason
Poetry Judges:
Mark Fischweicher
Irene Sax

Letter from the Publishers 2023

Welcome to the 2023 edition of Voices Online, the literary magazine of the Lifelong Peer Learning Program. Earlier editions—going back a decade—can be found on this web site.

We are happy to present the work of eight poets and twelve prose writers. Some of this writing has been generated in LP2 study groups and activities. Some of it is the creative work that our members have done on our own. We hope that in future issues even more of our talented members will be represented.

Much thanks to the editors and readers who have helped to make this possible—and, of course, to our contributors!

Charles Troob

Lorne Taichman
Associate Publisher

Masthead 2023

Charles Troob, Publisher
Lorne Taichman, Associate Publisher

Prose Editors: Mary Houts and Eric Roper
Prose Readers:
Mary Houts
Ruth Kavesh
Eric Roper
Ira Rubin
Andrew Shapiro

Poetry Editors:
 Carmen Mason and Irene Sax
Poetry Judges:
Linda Anstendig
Carmen Mason
Judith Meyerowitz
Irene Sax