Giving is Getting

by Howard Seeman

So, here my dear daughter:
I give you this little money now for xmas.
But look what I get?
More Jaimelyn!
I got more Jaimelyn each time I gave you the bottle,
Or a tickle.
Or baby food making believe the spoon was an airplane into your mouth.
Telling you things that felt awesome to you,
or giving you the how to do quadratic equations.

As you grew into no-more-little-Jaimelyn.
Look what I got: big Jaimelyn.

Yup: giving is getting.
Here, with this letter to you: I do it again:
As I send it, I imagine your smile.
Ah, I Get !

Yup, giving is getting.
That is what you do up on stage: performing is giving-is-getting,
or listening to Andrew is

And giving gets more getting than trying to get.

Here, in this little poem, pulling up more of me to do this giving to you,
I get: more me.
Ah, again: giving is getting.

I can feel you get this.
So glad you get it; this gives me a lot of GOT  that you get it.
Now I get, you get, we get: we get GOT together!
Wow, what a wide got we got from such short little giving.

See? I’m right:
Giving is getting.

Howard Seeman, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, CUNY; Certified Life-Coach. Author of collected poems: “Unlike Almost Everything Else in the Universe” and Memoirs: “You/Me: Getting Under Limbo Bars”. In private practice at: [email protected]

Giving is Getting

by Howard Seeman

So, here my dear daughter:
I give you this little money now for xmas.
But look what I get?
More Jaimelyn!
I got more Jaimelyn each time I gave you the bottle,
Or a tickle.
Or baby food making believe the spoon was an airplane into your mouth.
Telling you things that felt awesome to you,
or giving you the how to do quadratic equations.

As you grew into no-more-little-Jaimelyn.
Look what I got: big Jaimelyn.

Yup: giving is getting.
Here, with this letter to you: I do it again:
As I send it, I imagine your smile.
Ah, I Get !

Yup, giving is getting.
That is what you do up on stage: performing is giving-is-getting,
or listening to Andrew is

And giving gets more getting than trying to get.

Here, in this little poem, pulling up more of me to do this giving to you,
I get: more me.
Ah, again: giving is getting.

I can feel you get this.
So glad you get it; this gives me a lot of GOT that you get it.
Now I get, you get, we get: we get GOT together!
Wow, what a wide got we got from such short little giving.

See? I’m right:
Giving is getting.

Howard Seeman, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, CUNY; Certified Life-Coach. Author of collected poems: “Unlike Almost Everything Else in the Universe” and Memoirs: “You/Me: Getting Under Limbo Bars”. In private practice at: [email protected]


by Howard Seeman

I am at the piano 5 years old.
My mother teaching me
is still with me.
That me
is still with me.

I watch TV with my sister in bed.
We are 5 and 3
and hear my young father singing.

I pet my dog Major
and he and I remember.
Tho’ he died 57 years ago.

Sometimes I see the picture of
my beloved friend Danny
Now inside me.

Listening to my daughter
I am suddenly in a garden
drinking her.
And now with my beloved driving,
I comfort her,
my hand on her lap.


Howard Seeman, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, CUNY; Education Consultant, Life-Coach – has been writing poetry for over 60 years. He taught poetry in high school, led poetry groups and conducted workshops on: “Centering Yourself Thru Writing Poetry”, and is a Certified Poetry Therapist. His poems have been published in local journals, and in a book: Unlike Almost Everything Else in the Universe: Aware of Being Alive.