
by Ira Rubin

The hostess, nationally syndicated Hollywood reporter, Myra Klotchman, welcomed the audience to her weekly television show, “Do You Want To Hear A Secret?,” in which ordinary people reveal startling secrets about their lives in return for a weekday meal at a local Chinese take-out. The first guest was Amanda Lamar – not her true name – a 22-year-old woman studying to be a professional beauty consultant, vulgarly called a hairdresser, from Hackensack, New Jersey.

After exchanging small talk with Amanda, Myra cut to the chase.

Myra: Tell us, dear, what secret could a sweet young woman like you possibly have?

Amanda: Oh it’s horrible, Myra. I may never recover from the embarrassment.

Myra: About something you did?

Amanda: No, it was my fiancé, Jerome. How could he do this to me?

Myra: Oh my God; don’t tell us you found him with another woman?

Amanda: No, Myra, he didn’t cheat on me with a woman.

Myra: (gasping): You mean it was with a man?

Amanda: No he didn’t cheat on me with anyone. It would have been less humiliating if he had. I walked in unexpectedly on him last week and I couldn’t believe what I saw: he was admiring himself in the mirror dressed in my new wedding gown.

Myra: That bastard; how shocking that must have been for you.

Amanda:  Absolutely; I hadn’t even tried it on yet, and now I just can’t.

Myra: Because you’re too embarrassed?

Amanda: No, because it’s stretched out of shape. And that’s not the worst part.  I can live with his cross-dressing. What I can’t accept is he looked better in the gown than I did.

Myra:  Poor dear; that truly is a problem. How will you cope?

Amanda:  What choice do I have? It’s too late to find a new gown.  Tomorrow I’m going to shop for a tuxedo I can wear at the wedding.

Myra:  How inspiring! Audience, give this courageous woman a hand for facing up to and overcoming her potentially crushing secret. And now a word from our sponsor, Fantasy Vacations, the perfect place to design your ideal getaway or honeymoon. 

Ira Rubin has been a member of LP2 for the past four years during which he was a continuing participant in the writing class study group which provided valuable feedback on a draft of this piece.



Letter from The Director

Letter from the Director


For fifty years, the Institute for Retired Professionals has been an integral part of the New School and for forty-five of those years, IRP members have been encouraged to explore their unique ideas, skills and talents. Our online publication, IRP Voices, is a magazine of arts and letters edited and published by and for the students. It showcases a broad range of prose, poetry and photography. Seventy-five IRP members have impressive work displayed here.

We urge you to celebrate everyone’s creative efforts and applaud the many people and many hours it took to bring this exciting Voices issue to fruition.

Michael Markowitz

Spring 2013

Letter From The Director

Letter From The Publisher




Adler, Jan

Amelkin, Janna

Ashley, Tom 

Belkin, Bernie

Binder, Carl

Borelli, Carol

Ehrlich, Joan 

Fidler, Annette

Forlenza, Ron

Gaines, Jonathan

Goldin, Victor

Grant, Carol

Guberman, Mel

Houts, Peter

Kavesh, Ruth 

Kopel, Larry

LeSchack, Arlyne

Marcovitz, Marshall

Marcus, Dan 

Montaturo, Frank

Petitt, Sara

Rauch, Susan

Russo, Ron

Sacknoff, Robin

Sanders, Arlette

Sanders, Roy

Schaeffer, Mary Ellen

Schmelter-Davis, Lynne

Seeman, Howard 

Shapiro, Michael 

Sholiton, Robert 

Solomon, Bruce 

Tornabene, Nina

Troob, Charles

Vogel, Gerald

Weglein, Walter

Weisburg, Elaine Greene



2 Overcoats 

Adam in Tribeca 

Anteaters make whoopee in Africa  

At the Louvre

Ayer’s Rock 

Basket Boats…Vietnam 

Birds Abstraction

Blizzard 2013 Central PARK-February 09, 2013

Bridesmaids, Phnom Penh 

Bronx Botanical Garden Specimen 

Buddhist Nun…Cambodia 

Bronx Zoo-November 17, 2012 

Cape May Surfer 

Catskill Oct 2003 


Chinese nets at sunset in Colchin, India 

Coney Island Bumper Cars

Contrast #23

Contrast in South of France 

Cuba 2010 Cars

Dancers from The National Contemporary Dance Company, Havana, Cuba

Deep in the Heart of Nowhere (Texas)

Early morning at Kinderdyck

Fishing boats in Morocco 

Flower at Martha’s Vineyard 2012 

Freedom Tower on the Rise 

Ganges, dawn prayers 

Girl at Met 

Got it

Grand Central 

Hands at Play…Vietnam

Hindu Performing Puja (Prayer) in Temple Pool 

Hollywood Beach, FL 




Tom Ashley, Publisher
Lynne Schmelter-Davis, Associate Publisher
Charles Troob, Associate Editor

Photo Editors:
Robin Sacknoff
Marshall Marcovitz

Robin Sacknoff
Marshall Marcovitz
Peter Houts
Claude Samton
Victor Goldin

Table of Contents

All Photographs 


By Photographer


Adler, Jan

Amelkin, Janna

Ashley, Tom 

Belkin, Bernie

Binder, Carl

Borelli, Carol

Ehrlich, Joan 

Fidler, Annette

Forlenza, Ron

Gaines, Jonathan

Goldin, Victor

Grant, Carol

Guberman, Mel

Houts, Peter

Kavesh, Ruth 

Kopel, Larry

LeSchack, Arlyne

Marcovitz, Marshall

Marcus, Dan 

Montaturo, Frank

Petitt, Sara

Rauch, Susan

Russo, Ron

Sacknoff, Robin

Sanders, Arlette

Sanders, Roy

Schaeffer, Mary Ellen

Schmelter-Davis, Lynne

Seeman, Howard 

Shapiro, Michael 

Sholiton, Robert 

Solomon, Bruce 

Tornabene, Nina

Troob, Charles

Vogel, Gerald

Weglein, Walter

Weisburg, Elaine Greene

By Photograph


2 Overcoats 

Adam in Tribeca 

Anteaters make whoopee in Africa  

At the Louvre

Ayer’s Rock 

Basket Boats…Vietnam 

Birds Abstraction

Blizzard 2013 Central PARK-February 09, 2013

Bridesmaids, Phnom Penh 

Bronx Botanical Garden Specimen 

Buddhist Nun…Cambodia 

Bronx Zoo-November 17, 2012 

Cape May Surfer 

Catskill Oct 2003 


Chinese nets at sunset in Colchin, India 

Coney Island Bumper Cars

Contrast #23

Contrast in South of France 

Cuba 2010 Cars

Dancers from The National Contemporary Dance Company, Havana, Cuba

Deep in the Heart of Nowhere (Texas)

Early morning at Kinderdyck

Fishing boats in Morocco 

Flower at Martha’s Vineyard 2012 

Freedom Tower on the Rise 

Ganges, dawn prayers 

Girl at Met 

Got it

Grand Central 

Hands at Play…Vietnam

Hindu Performing Puja (Prayer) in Temple Pool 

Hollywood Beach, FL 

Indian Dancer, Applying Makeup 

Indian Women

Lincoln Plaza Crowd 

Love in the Museum 

Lyon Arboretum, Honolulu 

Mega Man

Miss You

Montmartre Street

More Than Just a Clown

Moroccan Woman 

NYC Harbor Storm 

NY’s Finest

Odessa Collage 


Out Kathy’s Window 

Poppies in Giverny, France

Reflections #13

Reflections #14

Reflections in a Harbor 


September Still-Life


Stairway 1870 House, Sag Harbor, NY 

Subway Sleep 


Sunset on the Speranza 

Sunset with Myself 

Untitled – B. Belkin

Untitled 2 – B. Belkin

Untitled – C. Binder

Untitled 2 – C. Binder

Untitled – C. Borelli

Untitled 2 – C. Borelli 

Untitled 3 – C. Borelli

Untitled – D. Marcus

Untitled – J. Adler

Untitled- R. Sacknoff

Untitled 2 – R. Sacknoff

Untitled 3 – R. Sacknoff

Untitled – R. Sanders

Upstate Sunset

Quebec City Storm over St. Lawrence River 

Washington Square Arch  

Why I Live in New York


Wrinkled stockings 


Letter From The Publisher



Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to our second edition of VOICES, this one solely devoted to the art and creativity of photography. We received a fantastic response from members of the IRP who contributed their efforts to the editors and judges in our inaugural issue of VOICES PHOTOGRAPHY.

Living in the center – the heart – of the most stimulating and creative location in the world, it’s no surprise that The New School for decades has been at the forefront of photography. Beginning in 1934, the school was one of the first institutions of higher learning to offer photography as a course; the renowned Berenice Abbott began instructing students in this discipline. Dozens of “stars” have followed in her footsteps, among them Lisette Model, Larry Fink and Diane Arbus. New School students are surrounded by hundreds of classic art works in The Vera List Collection, art in all media touching on issues of social justice whose home is in the halls and classrooms of our school.

The IRP always has had its share of strong photographers and photography courses. VOICES PHOTOGRAPHY has now given us a proper venue to display the skills, insights and beauty of these photographs. Technology has advanced our cause greatly. Our cell phones have given us an immediate response to the events in our lives as we experience them. One of our editors, Robin Sacknoff, is a professional photographer and instructor who only uses an iPhone in her work.

I want to thank Robin Sacknoff and Marshall Marcovitz, our Co-Editors, along with their staff of judges—Victor Goldin, Peter Houts and Claude Samton—for their work on this first issue. I also want to thank Charles Troob, our Associate Editor, who really makes this all happen. We gratefully thank former Associate Publisher, Ron Russo, who was instrumental in getting our initial online issue out the door and welcome Lynne Schmelter-Davis as his replacement. Marianne Nelson has joined our staff in the much-needed newly created position of Director of Promotion and Publicity.

I’m thrilled with the results, but somehow not surprised. You are in for a pleasurable experience. Please enjoy the eighty winning photographs of VOICES PHOTOGRAPHY.

Tom Ashley, Publisher


Letter From The Director




I am pleased to share with you this issue of VOICES PHOTOGRAPHY.  You will note how our IRP artists have responded to the new photography technologies and the latitude that is offered.

It is our intention to continue this growth and for you to explore with us the new opportunities offered.  As we close our 50th year we are strong, creative and looking forward to our future growth.


-Michael Markowitz

Director, Institute for Retired Professionals